Iranian influence, especially in the royal figures and the pantheon of deities used, is even stronger.
There are many royal figures or queens with the name or its variants.
The mummy's arms were crossed right over left on its chest at a time when royal figures were positioned that way.
He used his popularity as a royal figure to be elected to the Dahomey territorial assembly in 1952.
Frederic is a royal figure who is held in high-regards because of his hair.
On the sides are two images of a seated Buddha, worshiped by royal figures.
In addition he tried to discover any other royal figures, in order to eliminate potential rivals.
Among the goalies in this year's tournament, Barrasso reigns as the royal figure.
When the guests arrived, her husband was dressed up as a royal figure.
Under this practice, life-size ceramic sculptures of slaves would be interred with the royal figure.