And the fans weren't exactly rowdy teenagers.
Nearly each week there are the requisite mail box bashings, rowdy teenagers and minor fender-benders.
There was no mention yet of last night's Halloween disturbance, or of the seven rowdy teenagers who'd been arrested for taking their annual trick-or-treating too far.
Major Karnes swung his riding crop at the rowdy teenagers.
Lock the library doors to keep out rowdy teenagers?
There were some rowdy teenagers at one of the counter sections, and I sat as far from them as possible.
Everyone used to look at these kids as public nuisances, rowdy teenagers coming down the street with their boards.
But there are the rowdy teenagers who bang on store windows and the homeless people who on occasion take refuge near a shop entrance.
A common request comes from parents of rowdy teenagers.
As Sergio Porcel sees it, 12 hours with noisy, rowdy teenagers can seem like an eternity.