Floating row cover has been effective in preventing the adults from feeding and laying eggs in the spring.
On field crops such as squash, floating row covers can be used to exclude the beetles, however this may necessitate hand pollination of flowers.
Zucchini, cucumbers and other plants that borers love should be protected with floating row covers.
Commercially available row cover is usually a lightweight synthetic, such as clear plastic (polyethylene) or spunbonded polyester.
A protective tunnel formed with row cover is sometimes called a cloche.
And yes, I know floating row covers would keep them off - the cabbage butterflies too - but who wants to wrap the garden in gauze?
But as I graduated to a walker, I was left alone to fuss with row covers and keep the beetles at bay.
The row covers have been known to reduce virus damage to cucurbits.
One thing is vitally important when the row covers are used.
Control is cultural, creating a barrier by using floating row covers or removing infestations as soon as they appear and destroying the damaged leaves off site.