The group of weary and emotional Egyptians met with reporters at Transit Camp One, where rows of white and olive-green tents await a further influx of refugees.
Five blocks away from the closing, on Williams Avenue, a row of 18-foot-wide houses of brick and aluminum siding silently awaited as the 13 families went through the final paperwork.
Inside a game is underway, while outside, rows of bicycles await their owners.
They were tired and stiff now, but they knew that a long row awaited them!
Turn right on the other side of the bridge and roll down a scenic hill into the small town of Highlands, where a row of waterfront restaurants awaits.
The pool lay toward the beach, where rows of cabanas awaited bathers, whether they chose pool or surf.
We see paintings of leaders astride noble mounts, gazing at fields where soldiers stand like rows of wheat awaiting the scythe.
Boats pick hikers up from the base of the Samariá Gorge and at busy times rows of tour buses await their return.
"It costs less than you or I would spend on clothes," said Alessandro Cattaneo, owner of Euroclero, standing between rows of custom-made cassocks awaiting their owners.
Charred ruins in even rows awaited him.