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These days, everyone wants to know how Strahan, at 270 pounds, can so routinely throw 330-pound linemen aside and still sprint stride for stride after quarterbacks.
Most observers agree that he routinely threw well over 100 miles an hour (160 km/h), and sometimes reached 105 mph (160-168 km/h).
It was a bouncer to third, where Wayne Tolleson stepped on the bag, then threw routinely to first.
He doesn't always plant and set, often moves into pressure and routinely throws errant "rocket balls" early in the game.
However, his fastball was one of the best of all time, routinely throwing in the 98 - 102 mph range in his prime, with pinpoint accuracy.
In the N.F.C. championship victory over the Panthers he routinely threw passes 1.6 seconds after getting the snap.
Jupiter, who routinely threw thunderbolt tantrums, would have had no patience with Pluto's astronomical treachery.
He said that eight bus lines pass the coffee shop and that customers routinely throw garbage out the bus windows.
Fortunately, Americans' horizons have expanded, and we routinely throw fresh things like this together in 10 minutes.