The Hungarians routinely share their information with the Soviet Union.
The Japanese police routinely share information on drug arrests with Interpol, assuring that notification of the arrest will reach U.S. law enforcement agencies.
Com-pac owners routinely share ideas, boat modifications, and experiences.
Nevertheless it was housing 74 inmates at the time of Howard's inspection, with two prisoners routinely sharing each cell, sleeping together on the floor.
Jake realized now how much he'd missed the banter and teasing he used to share routinely with his old friend.
Although states routinely share information on individual firearm cases, New York State law-enforcement officials say those efforts have been sporadic and informal.
But skeptics of the case have said that the United States and Israel routinely share highly sensitive information on military and diplomatic matters under an officially sanctioned understanding.
WHEN a big-budget movie is released, a spinoff video game now routinely shares the spotlight.
In Hollywood, successful producers, directors, writers and sought-after actors routinely share in the profits if they create or star in a hit.
Nicca and Rhys had begun to routinely share their nights with me.