As a result, you routinely see seven riders - and often only six - filling up space that in theory should seat eight.
The Padres turned a double play and produced a frustrating snapshot for the Giants, one that they hope not to see routinely this season.
You routinely see young people there who look as if they had wandered in from an East Village rock club.
We routinely see children bossing around an imaginary friend, telling him not to take another cookie.
Singers of his generation routinely see themselves on television and videos.
Each event averages five days and routinely sees 30,000 homeowners seeking mortgage help.
States where bipartisan commissions or judges draw district lines have far more competitive elections, and routinely see control shift between parties.
These climates do not routinely see hard frosts or snow, which allows plants such as date palms and citrus to flourish.
The editors routinely saw fuel economy of 15-17 mpg during the first half of the test.
If you routinely see others jump the subway turnstile or cheat on their taxes, you are more likely to do the same.