Cary Stayner had been routinely questioned about the earlier case but F.B.I. officials sent him on his way.
At a time when most tennis umpires were volunteers whose competence was routinely questioned, Mr. Hammond became the sport's first full-time professional umpire and linesman in the 1970's.
There also are few Palestinians who do not tell of being fined for infractions, of being routinely questioned by soldiers, of being dealt with coarsely at times, of being beaten on occasion.
Since his wife, Eva, was "Aryan," Klemperer dodged deportation for most of the war, but in 1940 he was rehoused under miserable conditions in a "Jews' House" (Judenhaus), where he was routinely questioned, mistreated and humiliated by the Gestapo.
Most of the members have working spouses, for instance, and few of them like the idea that the legitimacy of their spouses' employment would be routinely questioned.
The three million tourists who visit the school each year are routinely questioned, he said.
Clegg's authority looked brittle at best, his stamina was routinely questioned, and it became commonplace to claim that he would not fight the next election as Lib Dem leader.
Players' intestinal fortitude was routinely questioned.
Lee was one of many teenagers who volunteered to be questioned routinely about the fire.