Companies routinely place orders, transfer money and consult computer data banks over phone lines.
She also had an annoying habit of routinely placing herself into harm's way.
She pointed to the kitchen table where all the mail was routinely placed for his perusal.
Before 1990, newborn children who tested positive for drug exposure were routinely placed in foster care.
Cathedral's competitive speech team is considered a strong program, routinely placing students in the annual state competition.
Private career prospects are equally bright for graduates as they routinely place into elite firms.
Political parties also routinely place campaign workers on the rosters of municipalities and trade unions.
Glen is very lonely and routinely places false 911 calls in order to get some human contact from the sheriff's deputies.
Letters: The police routinely place people on police bail .
Ads for surrogate mothers are no different from those routinely placed by would-be adoptive parents.