Since he and his fellow fighters routinely killed the women afterward, one might assume the morale-builders were soon in short supply.
The militias routinely kill men and rape women.
American official say Iraqi intelligence agencies routinely kill any Iraqi suspected of cooperating with foreign countries.
Others routinely kill kidnappers on the spot when they find them, often undercutting their own investigations.
Older males, meanwhile, routinely kill interlopers that invade their territory.
Somehow he managed to survive under a regime that routinely killed its political enemies.
He was the only one who had grown up in a world where humans routinely killed other humans.
We could routinely kill every single one of their messengers, and they wouldn't do a thing to her.
However, there also are many species of parasitoid that frequently or even routinely kill their "host" or "prey" without consuming much of it.
A disease that routinely killed young men was beginning to be conquered.