Had we caught him with his pants down twice, or did people routinely go naked in the future?
Couldn't anything go routinely for him at any time?
Scott said he plays golf during the season and routinely goes to the movies with his wife, Anita, on the nights before home games.
She must get her energy from something, because her workdays routinely go until 8 at night.
During her day, American opera singers routinely went overseas for training and professional opportunities.
But for 170 years, they routinely went to war with each other at the same time but on different dates.
She routinely went to her Atlanta office, worked with the same people and talked to her boss most days.
But speaking English wouldn't help in many cases since salon products routinely go unlabeled, she says.
Her performance in the other events went rather routinely.
The Mayor, like his predecessors, routinely goes to the scene of major crimes and accidents.