Our executive summaries routinely generate responses from the 3- and 4-star general/flag officers and their civilian equivalents.
The census routinely generates lawsuits, lots of them.
Critics, like the American Civil Liberties Union, have also complained that the systems routinely generate a smaller number of "false positives," which mistakenly identify innocent people as suspects.
Until 2002, when the county completed its first comprehensive property revaluation in nearly 65 years, its antiquated property assessments routinely generated thousands of tax grievances.
The cDNA was used as a template for in vitro transcription, routinely generating an RNA product that represented an amplification of approximately 1,000 fold.
But in the coming year, Mazda's lineup will shine brighter even without the sort of public relations blitz that the company's richer competitors so routinely generate.
While some of these programs - including those created by American Home Products, Lilly and Pfizer - routinely generate successful treatments for women, others appear to be far from effective.
But the history Kusmer relates speaks for itself: ours is a society that routinely generates destitution - and then, perversely, relieves its conscience by vilifying the destitute.
The reaction was originally carried out in diethyl ether and routinely generated high yields due to the inherent irreversibly of the reaction caused by the formation of nitrogen gas.
This allowed the quality of education in the region to remain stable, even when the government routinely generated financial stoppages.