It is unique among minnows, being the only species to routinely feed on flying insects by leaping from water.
It was just part of the network of highways that knitted the region together, routinely feeding commuters onto the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
There's a feeling that too many professionals are routinely feeding a busy academic machine.
Of this number, about 33 units totalling 18 MW are also used in a number of non-emergency ways commercially which are called collectively Load Management, and which includes routinely feeding power into the Local Distribution System and ultimately the National Grid.
"I woke this morning with a foreboding around me," she admitted, not yet lying but working herself up to the sort of half-truths she routinely fed her visitors.
The Japanese routinely feed DHA, in pill form and as an ingredient in snacks, to school-aged children so they will get better grades.
Not a profound revelation exactly, but the sort of gauzy insight that routinely feeds fashion television on cable, an increasingly competitive turf that E!
Enjoying his task, Anwell routinely feeds, washes, and entertains his brother.
Studies have warned that routinely feeding antibiotics to farm animals breeds drug-resistant bacteria.
Animals known to routinely feed on glacial squid include the Antarctic petrel, light-mantled sooty albatross, Ross seal, southern elephant seal, Weddell seal, Patagonian toothfish, wandering albatross, grey-headed albatross, and the emperor penguin.