In 2007 a number of route options went to public consultation, with a decision made in November.
However, as of 2013, the route options for this proposed line no longer include the Epping branch.
The consultants are thought still to be some way off publishing their preferred route options for the M12 scheme.
From a variety of route options, three were examined closely:
Two main route options where identified, with a number of sub-options also identified.
The red route option, which we introduced, has already shown that bus services improve when comparable improvements are made to traffic management.
Consultants are working on possible route options, and we plan to publish them in the summer of next year.
As of 2013 the preferred route options for the line no longer include this proposal.
Careful design will deliver a course with a mix of route options, technical sections and challenges.
Additionally four different route options are available to suit the preferences and abilities of each rider.