This was at one time a main route for traffic, bypassing the actual cross.
Established in 1954, as a new primary route bypassing south of Hartsville.
It will take the Bundesstrasse 480 to a new route bypassing the town core to the west and the south.
While the two highways still passed through Pawhuska from west to east, after turning north, the new route bypassed much of the city.
This route bypasses the business district of Goodhue, but still runs through the city limits.
This route bypassed the old mining areas but travelled through more open terrain.
However the project still faces hurdles from the government of Armenia because the proposed route would bypass that nation entirely.
The main route, however, now bypasses the village and the original portion of highway that still exists is referred to as "Business 53."
They probably took a route similar to the one we did, bypassing Jay Mac altogether.
The route bypasses Sun Prairie on the west and north sides through the city's residential zones.