His rousing words were greeted with cries of "amen" and "praise Jesus."
Its monuments - including a giant bronze of Guevara - are inscribed with his rousing words.
With those rousing words, he dismissed his troops, sending them off to their night guard posts.
That's certainly the subject of his "Freedom From Fear" (1943), one in a quartet of wartime paintings based on President Roosevelt's rousing words.
Susan's speech lasted only a few short seconds-but she could not have uttered any more important or rousing words than the ones she chose that afternoon.
A spontaneous cheer went up in response to his rousing words and was repeated, growing in volume as people got to their feet, waving clenched fists.
These were hardly rousing words, and they certainly fell short of his appeals to people to shop, watch ballgames and take in Broadway shows.
He had pressed on through the bitter cold of winter in the Spine of the World without complaint, indeed even lending rousing words for his friends.
He wished he'd been able to think of some rousing last words.
Drizzt called, guarding the party's rear and spurring Wulfgar on with a constant stream of rousing words.