Since its premiere in 1960, "Revelations" has brought program after program to a rousing conclusion.
It brought the show to a rousing conclusion, and for a long time the audience applauded mightily.
The rousing conclusion touched off an enthusiastic ovation.
It comes to a rousing conclusion - or what sounds very much like one - then finishes with a quiet coda once more.
Together they brought the piece to a rousing conclusion and much applause.
Does the story come to a rousing conclusion?
But in the Prokofiev, the audience seemed merely caught up in the excitement of a rousing conclusion.
The Sevastos' nephew built to his rousing conclusion.
He built to a rousing conclusion, dancing to rock music and yelling, "How would you like to compete with us?"
Trade negotiations are like a carefully staged opera, one that can come to a rousing conclusion only after the most careful stagecraft.