He gave a rousing address to a huge crowd one week after the Nov. 17 beatings.
In what reads like a rousing address, he said the support offered to Greece by the rest of the EU was not sufficient to get it through the crisis:
Mr. Rivera delivered a rousing address to an overflow crowd at the Puerto Cabezas baseball stadium, saying the current peace talks in which he is involved were aimed at "peace with dignity" for eastern Nicaragua.
It was a rousing address, and the city applauded its mayor and spokesperson as much for his determination as for his optimism.
His rousing address finished with the exciting claim that 'IBM has been transforming itself into a solutions company'.
"Black theater is black America's imagination, intelligence and humanity," the playwright August Wilson said on Saturday night in his rousing address.
Future president Bill Clinton, then 9 years old, watched the speech from his parents' living room, and later described it as a "rousing" address in his memoir, My Life.
In a rousing address, he told the party that historians should look back at this year's annual party conference and see it as one that was preparing its fight back to power.
President Barack Obama will accept the Democratic nomination for this year's election with an open-air stadium speech before tens of thousands of people, recreating his rousing 2008 address.