Following a major tour in 1974 with Ravi Shankar, which was roundly attacked by the critics, he performed only rarely.
As on the flag, he was roundly attacked by conservatives and beat a hasty retreat to a more orthodox Republican position.
That was roundly attacked in the press and particularly the health press, even though I left Ken Clarke in charge.
(Is it a surprise that at the same time, feminists were being roundly attacked as unwomanly and immoral?)
It's not at all surprising that Sigmund Freud has recently been so roundly attacked.
She was roundly attacked by the state, by former supporters and friends, and seen to be an anachronism.
One Michael Cook, a saddler, after being charged with rape of his servant girl, was roundly attacked in the pages of the Register.
I had not seen food so roundly attacked since dinners at Boy Scout summer camp.
The guidelines, which recommended a conservative approach and discouraged surgery, were roundly attacked by spine surgeons.
The presidential action was roundly attacked by the left and enthusiastically praised by the right, where Mr. Katsav's political roots lie.