They saw the great grey building, with a rounded tower at each end-North Tower.
Five distinctive rounded towers were built around its wards to promote good sanitation, as it was thought that germs could not accumulate in cornerless rooms.
In the corner was part of a rounded tower made of brick and mortar.
The Castle's original features include a rounded tower to the southeast, a square tower and an entry tower with two round turrets.
The large palace and the rounded towers are probably from around 1400 when the prosperous Lords of Brandenbourg lived there.
Built in 1761, the Georgian building is surmounted by a rounded tower, its roof shaped like a gigantic pineapple.
It features a two-story rounded tower on the southwestern corner and wraparound verandah.
The rounded towers, revealing a French influence, were added in 1505.
The Náchod castle has a rounded tower and palace, which are typical of the bergfrit/keep type.
The shadow climbed, darkening as it mounted, engulfing one by one the arrow-slits in the rounded towers.