It was quite a contrast to the pink satin lounging pajamas that Bobbi had clinging to her rounded figure.
Swentzell is known for her rounded figures of indigenous people, primarily women.
A slim woman with brown hair, cheerful brown eyes, a well-modelled face, a rounded figure and an excellent complexion, such was Barbara.
The styling changed in the early years from very skinny and stick-like bodies to the more familiar rounded figures as seen by 1924.
An unnecessarily tight uniform displayed every line of her rounded figure.
A recurrent image has the dancers supported by a shoulder planted on the ground, head to the floor; the curved rounded figures look nonhuman.
One could imagine his notebook showing the distance between two distant points as being correct to half an inch, while Williams would prefer rounded figures.
She was wearing a knitted blue sports costume that clung tightly to her rounded figure.
That is £16,035 in rounded figures.
That technique combines the rounded figures with significantly deeper backgrounds.