The Shadow had left that door open, in his roundabout trip.
At that time, a bridge to Queens was completed, requiring a roundabout trip to reach Manhattan.
The most absurdly roundabout trip, across the continent and back again, by a terrible route.
Finishing the roundabout trip from one estate to the other, Jack pulled up in back of Thorndon's gloomy mansion.
Across the next street were other houses, and Falsythe made a roundabout trip to reach one.
Sid had taken a roundabout trip, circling Hawk Island instead of traveling straight across the channel.
This time it came from the darkness of the alley itself, a spot that The Shadow had reached on his roundabout trip.
In his roundabout trip to reach the cliff top, The Shadow's agent had encountered a trail of his own.
It had been a most roundabout trip for them.
If Mr. Dean is comfortable, it may be owing to a roundabout trip.