The other three guests got up and sauntered out to begin their roundabout journey along the winding roads to the Hilldale station.
Tired and dispirited from this experience and their roundabout journey to rejoin the regiment, E Company men were suffering from lowered morale.
Soon the cab was bound on a roundabout journey in the general direction of Chinatown.
After his roundabout journey from Heighliner to Heighliner, he had arrived after midnight, exhausted.
It was a long, roundabout looping journey, but at the end of it Coraline was satisfied that she had not been followed.
It was a tortuous, roundabout journey.
Just Pony: the girl who had grown up in the region beside Elbryan, who had taken such a strange and roundabout journey to get to this place in her life.
The holy site is just a block away, but requires a roundabout journey of several miles to reach.
Pedro insisted they change vehicles three times during E their roundabout journey from the Auckland aero- X drome.
At times this may seem a difficult and roundabout journey.