It was a round-the-clock operation, accepting, decoding and forwarding messages.
However, the airline operators plea that the airport needs to being round-the-clock operations first.
It was the first canal in the world to have its entire passageway lit by night, allowing round-the-clock operation.
The changes also will bring Metro-North a step closer to being a round-the-clock operation.
They couldn't pour concrete in winter, of course, but they're pouring it now in a round-the-clock operation.
It involved round-the-clock operations, many contractors and subcontractors, and cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
During 14 days, 31 microgravity experiments were completed in round-the-clock operations.
Over all, Jazz at Lincoln Center is adjusting to its new life as a round-the-clock operation.
The Wal-Mart distribution center, a round-the-clock operation, fills 240 trucks a day, shipping to stores in a dozen states.
Over the subsequent weeks, the squadron's nineteen crews continued to fly round-the-clock operations averaging 4.5 missions per day.