A long table, spread with charts, stood to one side, and three huge, round portholes dominated the wails, offering a broad view of the lake beneath the ship.
The eyes were perfect, round, tiny portholes in tempered glass that glowed white-whether backlit or hexed, Ori could not see.
Each "guest" aboard the Nautilus had his or her own seat, as well as a round porthole to look out into the attraction.
The windows peeking out of the roof are round portholes.
The dolmens with round portholes give the appearance of dwellings with windows but they are funerary structures.
While round portholes are the most common, square ones are also found.
Along the bull were round illuminated portholes behind which distorted shadows of monstrous proportions moved.
The hatchway to the outside was back there, a round porthole giving onto the darkness of the trench.
This has six round portholes running the length to provide light down into what I imagine is the salon and cabins below.
Startled, he looked out of the little round porthole and saw a shadowed shore through the mist that swirled on the surface.