On Monday, the second round is due to be completed, a cut made, and the final round played.
In 2010 the course saw approximately 7,000 rounds of golf played.
The second round played with the eventual "Chain Letter" rules but with $20 for each acceptable word.
Five rounds were played, each with a different category.
As the major leagues began their first round of interleague play this weekend, the pitching leaders in each league offered an interesting snapshot.
Mari duly ruffed, played his top spades and then a third round.
The final two rounds will played next weekend.
In the 1974 qualifiers, Haiti once again reached the final round in a qualifying tournament completely played at home.
The next two rounds we played with Hale Irwin, who was leading the tournament.
This could be compressed into just four days with two or three rounds played each day.