They had both taken knocks back there in their rough transition into this alien world.
Sometimes, adding a skilled offensive player to a good team makes for a rough transition, but Wallace has fit in seamlessly.
After more than 40 years of Communism and a rough transition to a market economy, Hungary lacked the financial resources to keep them.
The next year posed a rough transition for the Courier.
He and the other researchers agreed that getting through the rough transition would be much easier if people planned for more than financial survival in retirement.
Shifting operators under the best of circumstances could be a rough transition.
It was a rough transition and he nearly got fired for incompetence, he said.
Williams and his Tar Heels, on the other hand, had a rougher transition.
But the monastery today is going through a rough transition.
Maroto had a rough transition to make, but in his first year, a huge improvement showed.