For "Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned" is a book of rough talk and strong gesture.
He liked the noise, the rough talk, and hard falls.
For some reason, they all loved profanity and rough talk.
But despite a scene at a hometown basketball game and some rough talk, the inhabitants are unanchored, unless it is to the world of the soaps.
Evidently the men were celebrating, for there was loud, rough talk and laughter, partly in English, partly in Spanish.
He was picturing them as New York hoodlums, from their rough talk.
Already, after just two visits here, the rough use of dogs and the rough talk about dogs feels easier to take.
It was more than acting and rough talk that they'd need before the voyage was through.
There was no violence, just a good deal of rough talk.
Unlike the section of Agachire the caravan had entered, there were no soldiers here, no rough talk or bawdy song.