Each of Spain's autonomous communities elects a number of deputies and senators in rough proportion to its population.
The money was distributed in rough proportion to individual states' spending on Medicaid.
There can be no doubt that Nature does punish with suffering in some rough proportion to the offense, and with death as the ultimate penalty.
But, the Court said, once the minority group has achieved representation in rough proportion to its population, there is ordinarily no reason to go further.
It's fair enough to use such a tax to pay for a social insurance program that provides coverage in rough proportion to contributions.
People in every occupation go bankrupt in rough proportion to their numbers, they found.
While theoretically apolitical, members of the council were de facto appointed by the political parties, in rough proportion to their power.
A CPC spokesman said the cuts would be in rough proportion to the geographic distribution of the company's global sales.
Vehicle speed affects this, in rough proportion to the engine effort, thus giving crude self-regulatory feedback.
By this age, most children develop a "person" symbol which has a properly defined head, trunk and limbs which are in some sort of rough proportion.