Sebastopol, Willis, and Mishima formed a rough arc as shown by the representational screen.
It has a relief of about 1.3 km and is a continuation of Resolution Rupes and Discovery Rupes along a rough arc, which extends for more than 1000 km.
The skies (usually canvas backdrops) are dappled, and they darken just a bit around the upper edges in a rough arc as in many early 19th-century photographs.
Three more cabins, gathered in a rough arc on the ground quarried out by the original archaeologues.
The bait drop, which will cover 14,500 square miles in a rough arc between Corpus Christi and Laredo, will be repeated over the next several years.
They were fanned into a rough arc, facing south and east.
Nylan's green eyes raked across the group of the nearest nineteen arrayed in a rough arc.
All were scattered in a rough arc around Mykel.
The twist-shooters were set up in a rough arc facing downslope and angled right, towards the sea.
The largest of them were walled plains, their rims so heavily eroded they were reduced to low, sullen mounds lined up in rough arcs.