Apples with cuts in the skin, or with broken or rotten spots are not used.
Half price and I won't notice the rotten spot.
It documented that this guy had a rotten spot in his brain.
Dimgalabzu said, looking as if he had bitten into a plum and found an unexpected rotten spot.
Did you think that rotten spot was going to go away by itself when you'd painted it over?
A potato with a tiny rotten spot completes the tableau.
His foot plunged through a rotten spot and he lost his balance.
Always a rotten spot to be found, in every one of them, old wounds under their ancient skins.
Even the rotten spot on the lower right of the back of the pepper does not detract from the sensuous and sensual intensity.
I want to know every single rotten spot in this particular apple, Snipe.