The film received an 86% rating from Rotten Tomatoes (6 fresh and 1 rotten reviews).
The film received a 60% rating from Rotten Tomatoes (58 fresh and 38 rotten reviews).
Rotten Tomatoes gives this movie 43%, with an average of 4.9 out of 10, which is considered a rotten review.
Rotten Tomatoes has given the film a 90% rating with 19 fresh and 2 rotten reviews.
On Rotten Tomatoes the film has a rating of 64% with seven fresh and 4 rotten reviews.
It garnered a rotten review of 11% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Strong stuff, and this rotten review made me feel, well, rotten.
Like rotten reviews, rotten retaliations maintain their hold over us.
My impression is that as reviewers age, they tend not to write so many rotten reviews.
On Rotten Tomatoes the film has two fresh reviews and one rotten review.