It currently holds a 33% Rotten rating based on 24 reviews.
It received mixed reviews from critics, having a "Rotten" rating with a weighted average of 5.5/10.
Rotten Tomatoes gave the film a rotten rating of 23%, based on 76 reviews.
The film currently holds an overall rotten rating of 58% based on 77 reviews with an average score of 5.9/10.
Rotten Tomatoes currently gives the film a 26% "rotten" rating on its site.
For example, users are no longer able to sort out fresh ratings from rotten ratings, and vice versa.
As of October 2010, the film has a 33% "rotten" rating on
Rotten Tomatoes holds this film with a 9% "rotten" rating.
Rotten Tomatoes maintains the film with a 22% "rotten" rating.
Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a 21% "rotten" rating based on 131 negative reviews out of a total 165.