'What could carve through granite as though it were as soft as rotten cheese?'
His father lived to be 90; his mother might well have lived past her centenary, had rotten cheese not intervened at age 98.
Fifteenth Company had gone through them like a newly sharpened sabre through rotten cheese, leaving a half score dead.
Weeks passed, and one day a villager went into the cave, convinced he would find the cheese rotten.
It tasted like rotten cheese laced with vinegar, and his stomach refused to believe it was wholesome.
It always made me think of a rotten cheese full of maggots.
Within minutes the rescuers had been recalled, they came squirming out of the aperture, white with dust like maggots wriggling from rotten cheese.
It was a ripe aroma of festering fish, of scumble, of rotten cheese.
Typical bait for these traps include rotten cheese and dog food.
She cut it open to expose the creamy meat inside and an odor of garlic, rotten cheese and camel-urine wafted up.