"It takes a great deal out of soldiers, and thus units need to be rotated periodically."
The rod is rotated periodically during the collection period to gather samples through an entire 24 hour day.
Point position is often rotated periodically so as not to overtax the individual soldier/unit.
The set, a 1930s medical office with partial walls, becomes part of the plot, rotating periodically to shift the audience's perspective.
For example, a small electric motor can periodically rotate the assembly to collect a gas sample.
Customs officers are rotated periodically to new posts to discourage familiarity with the people they inspect.
The days on which Op-Ed columnists appear are rotated periodically.
This stock was allocated to Mortdale and periodically rotated.
The secretariat of Civitatis rotates periodically around the world.
The squadron used only 14 aircraft at a time with the others being kept in short-term storage and periodically rotated to even out the flying hours.