This period provides the command element a chance to rotate select personnel and begin planning for the addition of newly assigned MSEs and "work-up" training.
They don't rotate personnel often, but people do leave.
Also unlike regular army units which were rotated out of the valley regularly, the RR concept was to rotate personnel after fixed periods of deputation.
Between 1977 and 1985, the wing rotated personnel and aircraft periodically to Howard AFB in the Panama Canal Zone.
During the 1980s, the wing took part in various training exercises involving tactical airlift and rotated personnel and aircraft to Panama.
Beginning in 1973, it periodically rotated flight crews and other personnel to Panama, and later Puerto Rico, to support United States Southern Command commitments.
"They kind of spread us out and were rotating personnel and trying to confuse us."
In order to reduce costs, the DNI would be able to rotate, consolidate, and standardize personnel and programming.
That's why they rotate personnel out of these stations every six months.
The missions involve more than 66,000 frequently rotated uniformed personnel and more than 13,000 international and national civilians serving in 17 peacekeeping and related field operations.