The rope trailed behind the horse, but it never touched the ground.
A moment more, and the boat lay within long bowshot of us, with a rope trailing in the water.
"Keep her going," he shouted, and hopped onto the running board, rope trailing.
Prauo was scaling the wall, a fine rope trailing behind him.
The rope trailing behind him had snagged on the hoist.
Behind the coracle trailed two ropes, each controlled by a gang of men.
The rope trailed to the Fates, who were still lassoed in it.
A rope trailed along the ground, from the bindings over to where it was tied around a tree stump near the fire.
As the boat whirled past, he lunged, caught the rope trailing from the bow.
A rope trailed from the rear bumper, unravelling, its end stained dark.