But the underwater segment hardens, usually one blunt-tipped portion of the main trunk, curving down to where the hard dead roots still anchor it.
Within days of planting signs of growth are typically visible: leaves will perk up and roots anchor into the soil.
We chose them because their roots anchor the soil without interfering with the other greenery.
These roots also anchor the plant during the frequent inundation of seawater in the soft substrate of tidal systems.
Plants that have been set in the ground for the summer - like amaryllis, gardenias and camellias - may have grown so vigorously that the roots have anchored into the ground.
The roots anchor the unstable surficial soil into the deeper stable layers or bedrock.
Meanwhile its forces weathered rock and carried in organic matter to make loam, which roots anchored.
MMSU's root anchored deep, its foundation is strong, and its beginnings all proven historical turning points as far back as the early 1900s.
Torn but still tenacious roots anchored the willow, heaving and plunging, against the surging current.
These roots not only anchor the tree but also keep it upright during times of heavy winds and rain in tropical regions.