We were told that there is no guarantee of room type through Expedia.
Depending on room types and season, the cost varies from 10$ to 60$ per night.
Each of the 23 room types is decorated lavishly in its own style.
Mostly male and female with shared room types unless specified.
Rates range from $75 to $161 a night, depending on room type; see travelyellowstone.com.
Prices vary according to room type and season, but small doubles cost from £105 a night with breakfast.
University accommodation prices vary according to room type and share size.
However, due to connection issues, this room type was never implemented.
Double rooms, $74 to $140 a person, depending on room type and season, including breakfast.
Other room types may also be available at a 30 to 50 percent discount; call (888) 843-6355 or see www.thelittlenell.com.