And a reduction in rookie salaries would gradually lower the pay of everyone in a business in which the average career lasts about five seasons.
Even if one of the players earned a minimum rookie salary of $209,000, a lost paycheck would amount to more than $12,000.
The rookie salary for Williams, the eighth pick over all in April, will be $1 million.
Each will receive the minimum rookie salary of $225,000.
But he seems to relish the chance to pitch, even if it means riding buses to Albany and playing for the rookie salary of $700 a month.
The union said it had proposed a salary rollback of 5 percent, more restrictions of rookie salaries, a luxury tax and revenue sharing.
This year, given the labor situation and that rookie salaries might be cut dramatically, it's even more important.
Others have questioned the swift raises the Knicks gave Jackson from his rookie salary of $250,00.
He was guaranteed $3.5 million in the contract - the most ever for a sixth-round pick - and will earn a rookie salary of $228,000 this season.
The Jets have about $3.5 million for rookie salaries under this year's cap.