An airplane roared by, just above rooftop height.
Because of the force contained in water falling from rooftop height, any water that misses a downspout can soak deep into the soil along the foundation.
Over the industrial area of the city, Blade dropped to rooftop height and slowed down until he was practically drifting along.
Then Jonah slowly ascended to rooftop height again.
The flight leader then broke away, did a tight turn five miles to thel east of the contact, and came back at rooftop height.
I looked up toward my house and the bug patrol was there, circling at rooftop height, a flashing golden circle in the light of the setting sun.
The building extraction task is needed to determine building locations, ground elevation, orientations, building size, rooftop heights, etc.
Just above rooftop height, he loosed his eggs, then beat his dragon as hard as he could to make it pull up.
In fact, it can drop down to rooftop height for sightseeing.
Now that we were at little more than rooftop height, I found I was able to watch the ground without being overcome by terror or illness.