There are, however, some relatively new high-quality roofing products that look like slate but that cost less than the real thing.
New roofing products, however, give homeowners more of a choice than, "What color looks good with the aluminum siding?"
The year also includes a charge of $4 million from a provision established for potential warranty claims related to the discontinued roofing products business.
Bituminous roofing products are used for waterproofing roofs on buildings.
Post-frame buildings support a wide choice of interior and exterior finishes, roofing products, and architectural details.
-The most energy-efficient roofing products have a high solar reflectance, meaning that they reflect the sun's energy back into the environment, rather than absorbing it.
Ruberoid made significant use of asbestos as an insulation known as Calcilite, used primarily in roofing products.
CRRC's rating program allows manufacturers and sellers to appropriately label their roofing products according to specific CRRC measured properties.
That division includes Goodyear's chemical business, films, industrial products and roofing products.
Roof materials are generally corrugated metal but may be finished using any typical roofing product.