They finally admit they want to get married as she and Sol are in the roof rafters trying to ride out a hurricane.
It strengthens the structure while at the same time supporting the roof rafters.
The appearance of dark stains on the roof rafters is a strong indication that this problem exists.
Death watch beetle was found in some roof rafters and the church was re-roofed in 1958.
He sells either the whole kit for building the pool house, or just the key elements: the roof rafters, moldings, windows and the doors.
Carved sloped roof rafters were designed to give the interior of the building an ecclesiastical feel.
At the ends of all the roof rafters, there are yellow Buddhist swastikas on a green ground.
If the roof rafters are visible in the attic, inspect them carefully with a flashlight.
Internal vertical support posts were sometimes used to give additional structural support to the roof rafters.
The cross members extended each side of the sheers to form a base for the nine pairs of roof rafters.