Nonetheless the romantic tinge of the lakeside scenes is absent unless Odette delves into the lyrical aspect of the music.
Music directors spotted the much-wanted romantic tinge in her voice.
Narrative is reduced to a minimum, and the atmosphere has a sad, romantic tinge.
If his art has a romantic tinge, it also has firm 18th-century underpinnings.
"Fabrications" is one of Mr. Cunningham's plotless dramatic dances, and it has a strong, even romantic tinge, in its tender encounters.
The narrative element implied in introducing an extra dancer who foils the ballet's initial symmetry seems to have inspired Ms. Tharp to give a romantic tinge to "Ballare."
Shocked's song has a romantic tinge to it, but actually there is no mystique to this modest town.
Popular books relating the deeds of ancient heroes had long-standing and widespread currency throughout the East; these too revived heroic poetry, though imparted with a deep romantic tinge.
There is a romantic tinge in the melodies, perfect for her image of young people in the big city dreaming of happiness amid the loneliness of the urban crowd.
There was, though, a sometimes subliminally romantic tinge to much of the anthropology Eliot read, not least in Frazer.