We would like to spend some time in some quite and if possible romantic locations.
It's a romantic location, but one thing should be borne in mind by those who like to sleep late: the muezzin's first call to the faithful comes early.
I can indeed alter the setting to a more romantic location, by having the hero and heroine meet in the Luna Botanical Gardens.
When Emily's aunt sees the sparks failing to fly, she whisks everyone off to Italy, then India, hoping the romantic locations will bring on love.
Hawks takes Elizabeth to a romantic location and declares his love for her, then returns to the project.
F Map Lautasco has a wonderfully romantic location, tucked in a leafy, decorated courtyard.
Drinks at an expensive, romantic location, then the return to the victim's apartment.
It is still worth visiting though, not least for its romantic location.
Anywhere your fancy has lit on; as an employee at a large and mysterious house; as a holiday-maker at a romantic yet possibly menace-filled location.