Buckley has a romantic infatuation with Louise and hopes to one day consummate their relationship, although she is oblivious to the fact.
Mr. Chernomyrdin had assailed the "romantic" infatuation with the free market.
As Deolinda argues in one of her short stories, "even should they have wanted to do so out of romantic infatuation, they would not be allowed to.
The Doll depicts the romantic infatuation of a man of action who is frustrated by his country's backwardness.
And when her romantic infatuation, as she now bitterly saw it, had vanished, her old feeling for Hugh had come back.
Throughout the series, Iceman has a romantic infatuation with Firestar.
The term "love interest" is also sometimes used in real life to designate someone's potential sweetheart, or target of romantic infatuation.
There is no plot, yet all the waltzers are surely good friends and the choreography hints at romantic infatuations.
It was where she was most likely to jot down friends' phone numbers, weekend plans, and any musings about current romantic infatuations.
The track was inspired by the disco era and describes romantic infatuation using music as a metaphor.