In another play 'L'Hermine', the main character finds himself in a world that is hostile to his romantic idealism.
Medusa has sometimes appeared as representing notions of scientific determinism and nihilism, especially in contrast with romantic idealism.
Shand-Tucci believes this romantic idealism explains the intense, sequential attachments she formed with men throughout her married life.
The opposite of cynicism is not romantic, ridiculous, utopian idealism.
But an aura of romantic idealism still permeated the day, generated not by the fans but by the performers.
He depicted excerpts from contemporary life, cloaked with a veil of romantic idealism.
It deals with reminiscence upon youth and romantic idealism.
The character is shown contemplating his internal conflicts, lack of empathy, and romantic idealism that he ultimately cannot attain.
My editor counseled me carefully on the need to strike the proper balance between erotic titillation and romantic idealism.
"We are having trouble committing ourselves in relationships, and I think that part of the reason is a lack of romantic idealism."