Which was a dream, to be sure, and many people don't want to risk spoiling a romantic daydream by turning it into fact, 'i But Joe didn't feel that way.
She often has romantic daydreams about the love of her life, particularly policemen.
"Sliding Doors" spins out an idle romantic daydream revolving around Helen whom the movie presents as a late-90's It Girl.
What Gemma and Emma do share is a susceptibility to romantic daydreams, a history of adultery and a restless hunger for experience.
He says of the Nocturne (Night): "Mysterious recalls of the first principal theme will be like a romantic daydream.
She is always having romantic daydreams about an ordinary life, her biggest dream being to find a boyfriend.
Not even hex most romantic daydreams had ever included a shining Cadillac, and a decorated war hero.
Even when we spin romantic daydreams about those who have died, the image most of us conjure isn't a battered, disease-wracked body but something approaching the angelic.
The mere thought was enough to send him into a romantic daydream.
They get lost in romantic daydreams, lovely colours, pretty faces.