That's much more incentive, then, to engage in passing romantic assignations without any concern of long-term relations since, by definition, you won't be here long enough.
A little romantic assignation in a beach parking lot.
She was in a wonderful mood for a romantic assignation: tired, hungry, hot and ill-tempered.
He was expelled from Shore for fighting and, according to his own account, having been caught in a romantic assignation with the school's laundress.
After all, the hidden passageways on this list were used for everything from romantic assignations to alleged murders.
A dirty weekend is a romantic assignation which is commonly in a hotel so that the couple can sleep together.
Not playing voyeur on some girl from the household or staff who had chosen this moment and this place for a romantic assignation.
He has to take care and choose his romantic assignations with forethought.
The Gardens drew all manner of men and supported enormous crowds, with its paths being noted for romantic assignations.
I mean, what's a woman supposed to wear for a romantic assignation that also involves stomping up and down hills in 30-plus heat?