The rolling uplands contain soils that are loamy to silty and can be shallow to bedrock.
Before it lay the rolling uplands through which the road wound down past the Bar Y ranch house and the town of Hendersville on the flat below.
The rolling uplands lie inland and to the south of the coastal plain.
Thence we pushed on nearly a month's journey over great rolling uplands, something like those in the Transvaal, but diversified by patches of bush country.
They were threading rolling uplands of heath, to drop lower again into thick woodland and moist glades.
This was the most pleasant part of the Land, a rolling volcanic upland at a thousand meters above sea level, cooler and a little drier.
The Roman snake wound on through the rolling uplands at a good pace, heading now for the Tagus at Turmuli.
Aspen, birch, pines, balsam fir, and maples blanket the rolling uplands of the forest along the Edge of the Wilderness.
Most of the rolling uplands are cultivated by highland crops.
Before us stretched the rolling uplands that lead to the coastal plain.